Rare GoldenEye 007 because the N64 does not need to be introduced and it is now possible to revisit the game in a more modern form. This week, a ROM of a canceled Xbox 360 remaster of the 2007 game appeared online, allowing those with a PC to play using an emulator. According to VGC (via Polygon), the leaked ROM includes the entire single-player campaign of the game, as well as its multiplayer component. It also allows players to seamlessly switch between the improved textures and effects of the remaster and the N64 blocky graphics of the original.
Make sure to press RB when playing Goldeneye XBLA pic.twitter.com/xBa7Qb9JSk
– Andi Hamilton (@andihero) February 3, 2021
The ROM was uploaded shortly after a YouTube channel named Graslu00 uploaded a two-hour video of the remaster. We saw parts of the game in the years since news of its existence was released in 2008, but this video was our best look yet. The closest we got to a good GoldenEye 007 reissue since then was Activision 2010 game remake, who replaced Pierce Brosnan with Daniel Craig – so, you know, not exactly a faithful recreation of the original.