Former Socceroo Craig foster wrote to the president of the Australian Football Association about the match’s “shameful” treatment of punch victim Angus Chance.
Chance, a promising Dulwich Hill FC player, was only 20 years old when he was violently attacked by a teammate three years ago after confronting him with racist remarks about three Japanese trials players .
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The assault left Chance hospitalized with serious facial injuries that required reconstruction. He was also left with permanent nerve damage to his face.
Chance’s teammate Nathan Bowden-Haase was charged with assault and grievous bodily harm for his attack and was sentenced to 20 months of house arrest at the end of 2018.
Now 23, Chance recently revealed that NSW Football had fought him every step of the way in what turned into an ugly legal battle after he was not covered for any medical bills, which has totaled over $ 90,000.
Foster wrote to FFA President Chris Nikou asking how the sport’s governing body planned to help the youngster, adding that he intended to take the matter to the Human Rights Advisory Board. FIFA man.
“The disgraceful treatment of gambling itself resulted in lasting psychological and financial harm for Angus and his family,” Foster wrote in the letter to Nikou.
“Despite the fact that Angus is an incredibly courageous young man who should be rewarded for protecting the inclusive values ​​of the game, he has been ostracized, his distant teammates and his family have bled hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs. of justice.
“As Australia’s largest and most diverse sport, football has a fundamental responsibility to respond in the strongest terms to racial discrimination, to verify its own systemic and institutional barriers and to promote individual action. to eradicate racism in all its forms.
“What is the value of #StopRacism campaigns, slogans and banners waved before matches by players if, when a courageous (young) player takes personal and peaceful action to promote racial equality on or off the pitch? , it costs him his physical, psychological and financial efforts.
“If the game cannot support a young player who acts so courageously at great personal risk to protect others, in this case his Japanese colleagues, how can it aim to contribute positively to a more just society.
“A good ally of people experiencing racism is someone who recognizes and actively addresses racial inequalities around them – whether at school or in their workplace, in their community or online, or between family and friends.
“It is amazing that football can possibly treat a (young) player in this way. His behavior is a model for the expression of both the politics and the supposed values ​​of the game.”
“I plan to write to the FIFA Human Rights Advisory Council about his case with the aim of finding the justice Angus deserves and has been denied.”