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How to transfer data from your PS4 to PS5 – PlayStation 5 wiki guide



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To pick up where you left off on games, you’ll need to transfer your save files, which can be done in a number of different ways.

Depending on your situation and if you have a large number of games, apps, and other features that you want to move quickly from your PS4, this may be the simpler option – but will involve a lot of moving parts. This method will only transfer a user’s data and does not apply to data stored in Extended Storage. For this method you will need:

  • PS4 powered with internet connection (wired recommended)
  • PS5 powered with internet connection (wired recommended)
  • TV or monitor to see the progress (2 is ideal, otherwise you may need to swap the HDMI cables to see the progress on your PS4)

To get started, make sure your PS4 has the latest possible software update.

On your PS5, after completing your initial setup, the option for a full data transfer may appear. If you refused it at the time, you can find it by going to Settings> System> System software> Data transfer.

At this point, you will be asked to activate both consoles and be connected to the internet. If you only have wifi available in your current setup, it is strongly recommended to connect at least one LAN cable between the two consoles for faster transfer speeds.


Once both consoles are logged into the same account, continue with the transfer process until you are told to press the power button on the PS4 for one second until you hear a beep. This will restart the PS4, and upon resetting you will see it start to prepare for the data transfer. Make sure you do not touch the console during this time, nor any LAN cables connected.

When the preparations are complete, a screen will appear where you can select all of the full games or apps that have been saved to the PS4. Considering the large file size of some games, this may save time instead of re-downloading them over the internet to your new PS5, but it will still take some time. Be sure to note the full file sizes of whatever you select and the amount of storage your PS5 has.

After you have selected all the games and other files that you want to transfer, select Next until you reach the Ready to transfer screen. This should indicate how long your transfer will take depending on your setup. If the duration should be faster or slower than you expected, you can always press Cancel to add or remove the selected files before starting the transfer.

During this process your PS4 may shut down at times – it is normal to experience a restart period and the cycle may take a few minutes.

After the PS4 has restarted and the transfer is complete, the PS5 will also restart. Please note, however, that the PS5 may need more time to unzip and install the game files, so while you can use your PS5 normally after this process, your PS4 may still indicate transferring until you receive the notification that the transfer from your PS5 is completely finished the files become visible in your storage options and the PS5 will restart one last time.

How to Transfer PS4 Backup Files Via Cloud

Note: This option is only available for users subscribed to Playstation plus system. Without it, users cannot access the cloud to store files or transfer them between systems.

Since Playstation plus users have access to Cloud Storage, it is possible that your backup files were uploaded at an earlier date – just remember that this process must be enabled manually, so it is possible that you forgot to download your backup data . You can check which game files contain cloud save data by going to Settings> Management of data recorded by the application> Data recorded in online storage, then selecting the Download to system storage option to view files being stored. If you already see the files you need, you can skip the next steps and start your PlayStation 5. Otherwise, follow the steps below:

Firstly, you can verify that your PS4 system has the save data that you want to transfer to the PS5 by going to Settings> Storage> System storage> Save data.

Once you are sure that the backup data you want to transfer is available, go to Settings> Management of data recorded by the application> Data recorded in system storage, then choose Upload to online storage.

Select the game from which you want to download the save data, then individually select the save files (or select all of them) before clicking the Download button. Do this for as many PS4 games as you plan to play on your PS5.

Please note that just having your save data in Cloud Storage will not automatically apply it to games you play on the PS5. You will need to manually download the backup files to your storage for them to work.

Now that the files are on Cloud Storage, go to your PS5 and navigate to Settings> Saved Data and Game / App Settings> Save Data (PS4)and select Online storage.

You will be able to see how much storage has been used, and Download to console storage. Choose the game (s) you want to access the save files from and download each of them to your console storage. After that you can verify that the files are there by going to Settings> Storageand choose Data saved in console storage section and selection PS4 games.

Once this is confirmed, simply fire up your PS4 game and it should show your save files when you try to load them.

How to Transfer PS4 Backup Files Via USB Storage Device

If you don’t have access to your cloud storage due to lack of internet or because you don’t have a PS Plus subscription, there is an alternative to have your save files show up on the PS5.

For this you need to have an external storage device – either a hard drive or a USB stick that can be connected via USB. Make sure your device has the available memory and insert it into your PS4.

From there select Settings> Management of data recorded by the application> Data recorded in system storageand select Copy to USB storage device. Select each game you plan to play on your PS5 and choose all the save files you want to recover.

Make sure your PS4 has been updated to the latest version before doing this, then remove the USB storage after the files have been copied.

Now insert the USB device into your PS5. Note that the files will not be automatically detected, you will have to copy them manually from the USB storage to the local storage of the PS5. Go to Settings> Saved data and game / app settings> Saved data (PS4), and select the USB key option, then Copy to console storage.

Once this is confirmed, just fire up your PS4 game and it should show your save files when you try to load them.




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