While you don’t have to catch them all, you might want to grab this amazing Charizard Rising Flames statue by First 4 digits. This incredible Pokémon collectible has an impressive 12 inch with an 8.5 inch base and includes an epic dynamic pose for fire fans.
First 4 Figures is one of the leading collectors’ companies. From 1: 1 scale statues to more modest ways to celebrate this fandom joy, this company knows how to create an incredible memory.
The latest entry in the already massive Pokémon merchandise lineup is slated to ship later this year in October and will be limited in quantity. Coming out of smoke and flames, this Charizard tribute is impeccable. Unleashing her flamethrower attack, the attention to detail on this statue is incredible, especially looking at the mix of colors in the flames at the base.
From ascending tendrils of smoke to the aggressive fighting stance of Charizard himself, this statue is a must-have for devoted fans of the beloved pocket monster franchise.
For those who are interested, the Charizard Rising Flames statue from First 4 Figures is available to pre-order now for $ 249.99. For those who are depositing money, don’t worry: Cards won’t be billed until they’re shipped, which won’t happen until at least October. Maybe a good start to Christmas this year? Interested? You can learn more on the right here.
Update: At the time of writing, the statue is still available for pre-order. It looks like it’s now already sold out, although we’ve contacted to see if a restock is in progress.
What do you think of the newly revealed Charizard Rising Flames statue? Is this a must have for you or is the price a bit steep? Give your opinion in the comments section below.