Travis Strikes Again: No More Hereos made its way to the PC in 2019, but the next one No More Heroes 3 will be a Nintendo Switch exclusive when it arrives in 2021.
In our review of No More Heroes, we said, “At the end of the day, No More Heroes is a backpack of ups and downs, and the end result will be different depending on your expectations. No More Heroes has one of the most unique stylistic designs that you can imagine. we’ve seen it in years (maybe since Killer 7, actually), as the presentation is made up of pixel art, retro-themed audio production, and some of the best characters. “In our review of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, we said “Desperate Struggle shots [the original] out of the water with a more streamlined experience, a lot more charm and style throughout, and downright amazing boss battles. You still come across the occasional weak boss fights, horrific camera situation, or frame rate crawl, but with as much fun as there is in the game, you forgive the inconvenience almost instantly. “
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Adam Bankhurst is a news editor for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Tic.