Home Travel News Saga pushes back holiday relaunch into summer | News

Saga pushes back holiday relaunch into summer | News



Saga has extended the current suspension of travel operations following publication of a new roadmap out of lockdown for the UK.

The company has told agents holiday and cruise operations will now begin on May 17th and June 27th, respectively.

The health and wellbeing of guests and crew is number one priority, Saga said, with having taken the decision to extend the suspension against that backdrop.

A spokesperson for Saga said: “The health and safety of our guests and crew has been our number one priority and throughout the pandemic we have made all decisions with their wellbeing in mind.

“Following the release of the roadmap out of lockdown, we have taken the decision to delay the resumption of our holiday and cruise operations.

“As part of this decision, the inaugural cruise of Spirit of Adventure has been moved to July 26th.

“We have contacted all our guests who have been impacted by these changes and are discussing their options with them.”


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