Home Gaming News The 10 best PlayStation 5 games

The 10 best PlayStation 5 games

The 10 best PlayStation 5 games


“What games should I get for my Playstation 5“This is the question that has been asked the most since the arrival of the new generation of Sony games last November. People want to see which games are the best centerpieces of the power of the PlayStation 5, and also which take their beloved medium to new heights. While the PlayStation 5 is still in its infancy, it has already amassed a nice library of games, including a few titles you can’t play anywhere else.

The Game Informer team have selected 10 games that we consider to be the absolute best for the PlayStation 5. Over time this article will be updated with the latest releases which we believe are in the top 10.

Please note that although the list below contains 10 entries, we do not rank them. If a game has come this far (and managed to stay here), it’s a must-have game, period. As such, we will list the entries in reverse chronological order. Additionally, with future updates, you will find an overview of previous entries at the bottom of the list. While these titles have gotten better over time, they’re still great games in their own right and worth exploring if you’re already up to speed with the latest hits.

Here are Game Informer’s picks for the 10 best games on PlayStation 5:


Released: April 1, 2021

Part cover-based shooter and superhero experience, Outriders exudes sci-fi excitement with every bullet and fireball tearing the battlefield apart. Designed to be played solo or by three people, the action is dynamic and relies on depth – both in terms of the amount of weapons that can be wielded and the way each character class can be sculpted. Outriders looks great on PlayStation 5, and hopefully will deliver a good rollout of content in the months and years to come.

Click on here for our review.

It takes two

Released: Mar 24, 2021

One of the best cooperative games ever created, It Takes Two requires teamwork, communication, and a little patience every second of the game. The two players have different abilities that must be combined to overcome challenges. Just when it looks like you and your partner have developed a good rhythm, the gameplay changes to challenge you in a whole different way. The vast array of game concepts explored is only part of what makes It Takes Two such a joy to play. It Takes Two also captivates with a heartfelt story that explores themes rarely seen in games.

Click on here for our review.

Yakuza: like a dragon

Released: Mar 2, 2021

Yakuza games of yore followed the exploits of Kazuma Kiryu and delivered combat through brawls in real time. Like a Dragon flips that formula with turn-based combat seen through the eyes of series newcomer Ichiban Kasuga. This dramatic change doesn’t steal any of Yakuza’s charm or fun. Like a Dragon is another great addition to this long-running series, serving as a refreshing turn-based role-playing game that will hopefully lead to years and years of new adventures seen through Ichiban’s eyes.

Click on here for our review.

Hitman 3

Released: January 20, 2021

Another chapter in Agent 47’s career ends with a satisfying bang. As this trained assassin weaves his way through the sumptuous skyscrapers of billionaires, death and beauty intertwine to create a hell of a backdrop for the executions to be carried out. Stealth gameplay is stronger than ever, and enhanced by extensive assassination techniques that are often sewn into extravagant environment designs. Whether he’s disguised as a cook who delivers poison or a hidden shadow that’s never been spotted once, Agent 47 is deadlier than ever in this chapter.

Click on here for our review.

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla

Released: November 12, 2020

Assassin’s Creed games are huge in size and scope, offering exhilarating combat, sprawling exploration, and quests galore. Valhalla is the first entry in the series that really balances all of these aspects, giving them the same time in the spotlight and not leaning too much into one. With the Viking theme in mind, Ubisoft once again brings players into a setting that feels new and rich in discovery. Like Odyssey before it, Valhalla is another excellent evolution of the beloved Assassin’s Creed formula. He never avoids making a big and meaningful commitment. The Assassin’s Creed series just keeps getting better.

Click on here for our review.

Astro Games Room

Released: November 12, 2020

A free pack-in with every PlayStation 5 system, Astro’s Playroom offers an enjoyable platform experience that demonstrates why the DualSense controller is so special. Adaptive triggers tighten when jumps are loaded, and distinct rumble effects dynamically shake the controller that aligns perfectly with the on-screen action. Each world Astro explores is themed with a different PlayStation 5 component (like the GPU Forest), and over 25 years of PlayStation history are exposed in the characters, secrets, and imagery players unearth. Astro’s Playroom is the first game every PlayStation 5 owner should play, because it immediately shows you why this high-end console is a game-changer.

Click on here for our review.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War / War Zone

Released: November 12, 2020

Call of Duty has long been one of the biggest series to date, with nearly every release topping the sales charts every year. In 2020, the series got even bigger with two releases: Warzone, the new standalone battle royale experience, and the upcoming Black Ops entry called Cold War. Both of these Call of Duty experiences are phenomenal on PlayStation 5, offering different haptic feedback for most guns, gorgeous graphics, and a ridiculous amount of content in all of their game paths. ‘one on top of the other over the seasons also gives plenty of reasons to play both.

Click on Thu for our Black Ops Cold War review and here for our Warzone review.

Souls of the demon

Released: November 12, 2020

The wait for From Software’s Elden Ring has been made a little less painful thanks to the excellent remake of Demon’s Souls. Going back to the roots of this series and seeing it come to life in such a beautiful (and disturbing) way has been one of the highlights of the PlayStation 5 launch. The little changes from developer Bluepoint Games help give this classic a twist. modern and stand it up against other great Souls games. If you’ve played this game to death on PS3 before, the new Fractured Mode changes the dancing just enough to make it feel new again.

Click on here for our review.

Destiny 2: Beyond the Light

Released: November 12, 2020

When Destiny shoots all the cylinders, it roars with excitement. While Beyond Light’s launch last November didn’t hit all of the gameplay and storytelling notes gamers wanted, Bungie has since patched the course and updated the game significantly. Season Of The Chosen shakes up the foundations well, offering rewarding progression and a story that offers interesting twists and turns. Destiny 2 has turned out to be one of the most powerful games out there, and it’s even better on PlayStation 5.

Click on here for our review, and here for our latest impressions.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Released: November 12, 2020

Insomniac Games’ Spider-Man Universe is starting to look a bit like the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a story that continues through the eyes of different characters. Miles Morales’ first game is shorter than the original game, but it’s just as exciting. Miles’ coming-of-age story is perfectly told, and although he shares the same Spider-Man name as Peter, he emerges as a different type of hero, using invisibility and electricity to cleanse the evildoers who threaten New York City. Hopefully the next game will put both Peter and Miles in the spotlight. We can’t wait to see where this Spidey story goes.

Click on here for our review.




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