Home Gaming News Valorant’s new agent is the undercover duelist Yoru

Valorant’s new agent is the undercover duelist Yoru



Episode 2 Valorant’s Act 1 is set to begin on January 12, and with it comes a new undercover duelist named Yoru. As reported by Eurogamer, Yoru is a stealth agent who can turn invisible and send missteps to confuse and distract enemies.

Riot released a new cutscene starring Yoru and descriptions of all of its abilities, which are as follows;

  • It’s wrong – Equip an Echo that mimics footsteps when activated. Fire to activate and send the echo forward. Alt fire to place an echo in place. Use the idle echo to send it forward.
  • E: Gatecrash – Equipped to harness a fault tether. Pull to send the clip forward. Activate the fire to place a clip in place. Activate to teleport to the tether location.
  • Q: Blindside – Gear up to tear an unstable dimensional fragment from reality. Fire to launch the shard, activating a flash that ends once it collides with a hard surface of the world.
  • X: dimensional drift – Equip a mask that can see between dimensions. The fire drifts into Yoru’s dimension, unable to be affected or seen by outside enemies.

“When we started talking about this agent’s goals, we knew it was time to shake things up at Valorant,” said John Goscicki, Product Manager at Valorant. “The idea of ​​’Stealthly Infiltration’ is something that we’ve played around with for years, but we could never get into the game. We felt that if we started from scratch, we could create an agent that revolved around the idea of ​​’Stealthly Infiltration’ in a way.

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“With that in mind, we also wanted Yoru to be an agent who can create some really strong moments throughout the game. The kind of rounds where if you get it all right, you feel like the best player ever. The team were thrilled to put this guy in the hands of the players, he will definitely disrupt the game. “The final season of Valorant will feature a new Battle Pass and a Run-It-Back set that includes some of the best cosmetics from the first. episode of Valorant.

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Adam Bankhurst is a news editor for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Tic.




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