Home Business news What leaders can learn from a global pandemic

What leaders can learn from a global pandemic



Hello, readers. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

There is no shortage of COVID news from the last few weeks. On the one hand, Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine has been cleared in the UK and doses could start reaching some Americans in a matter of weeks.

On the other hand, cases and hospitalizations in the United States are skyrocketing. Wednesday saw America reach the grim milestone of most COVID deaths, over 2,800, in a single day.

Of course, we’ll go into all this in detail. But for once, I’m going to focus on some non-depressing news: there are at least a few business leaders who are revolutionizing their business strategies for the better amid the COVID pandemic while becoming more attached to their workforce despite not even be in the same offices.

And all this thanks to technologies that have become essential such as Slack and Zoom.

“The [tech] The CEOs kind of came together and we were able to share best practices, learn from each other, overcome the pandemic as we run our business, ”said BoxCEO Aaron Levie during the Fortune Brainstorm Tech virtual conference Wednesday, referencing a Slack channel the Silicon Valley crowd is using to brainstorm ideas on dealing with the pandemic.

These types of brainstorms can range from business strategy to how employees handle working from home, as well as the best way forward.

The idea of ​​an American company crowdsourcing coronavirus ideas with software it was already using is the definition of making the most of a horrible situation. But another comment that struck me was that of Jennifer Tejada, the CEO of PagerDuty.

“We have acquired a company [during this period], and I think the transaction went faster than it normally would, ”she said.

Read on for today’s news and see you next week.

Sy Mukherjee




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