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Typically, to unlock a high rank in the Gathering Center of a Monster Hunter game, you first need to progress through low rank quests. In Monster Hunter Rise, there is a way to jump all the lower ranks Collect Hub quests from one star hub quests to three star hub quests and unlock high rank quests. Here’s how – and, Keep in mind that you will still have access to play these low rank Hub quests if you wish!
How to unlock special license tests
Rather than having to complete both Village Key Quests and lower rank Key Multiplayer Hub Quests, you just need to progress through the village to reach the high rank quests in the hub. Eventually, you will unlock difficult but achievable special license tests in the village.
Special license test 1
To open Four Star Village Quests doing the right thing Village Key Quests to unlock the special license test 1. This quest requires you to hunt Aknosom and Rathian in 50 minutes or less
If you have already unlocked the two-star hub quests, this quest will not be available to you.
Completing this quest will unlock the Urgent Two-Star Hub Quest, which will unlock Two Star Hub Quests.
Special license test 2
To open Five Star Village Quests doing the right thing Village Key Quests to unlock the special license test 2. This quest requires you to hunt Great Izuchi, Bishaten, and Magnamalo in 50 minutes or less.
If you have already unlocked the Three Star Hub quests, this quest will not be available to you.
Completing this quest will unlock the Urgent Three Star Hub Quest, which will unlock Three Star Hub Quests.
Special license test 3
To open Six Star Village Quests doing the right thing Village Key Quests to unlock the special license test 3. This quest requires you to hunt a Rathalos, Zinogre, and Almudron in 50 minutes or less.
If you have already unlocked the four-star hub quests, this quest will not be available to you.
Completing this quest will unlock the Urgent High Rank Four Star Hub Quest, which will unlock the High Rank. Four Star Hub Quests.