League of Legends patch 11.6 will bring plenty of updates that will nerf some of the game’s overkill picks and improve those that have underperformed since the start of Season 11.
11.6 Patch preview with interim changes.
Some of them are probably still getting small adjustments, but it’s almost done. Thanks for the feedback so far. pic.twitter.com/soiI365zvG
– Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) March 9, 2021
In a recent tweet, League of Legends Game Design Director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter previewed the patch for version 11.6 and highlighted some details regarding what players can expect in the next update.
Champions like Lillia, Renekton, and Hecarim have been among the most oppressive choices in League of Legends. They took both pro-play and standard matchmaking on their own. As a result, they will see nerves this time around.
The White and Sylas, meanwhile, will receive a well-deserved love in League of Legends Patch 11.6. Minor buffs will be provided to them so that they don’t feel as underwhelming as before.
Furthermore, Akali will receive major changes to his kit, which could change his playstyle from start to mid-game.
Xin Zhao will also receive a minor kit change in League of Legends patch 11.6, while the jungle will be ready for some quality of life updates.
League of Legends patch 11.6 preview
It’s basically a nerf for S10 Void Staff …
It cost 2650 and granted 70 AP.
Now it will be the S10 version but with a higher cost.
This bias is insane. You don’t even know the stats for this item until Season 11 ?
– Wendy Pleakley?? (@Wendy_Pleakley_) March 9, 2021
# 1. League of Legends Item Nerves:
- Ravenous Hunter Rune: Basic Omnivamp: 1% >>> 0% Omnivamp per battery: 17% >>> 1.5%
- Fleet footwork: Heal AP Ratio 30 >>> 20%
- Blade of the Ruined King: Life theft: 12% >>> 10%; Siphon damage: 40-120 >>> 40-150
- Pledge of Sterak: Bloodlust: The healing of each stack beyond the first is reduced by 50%
- Stridebreaker: Health 300 >>> 200
- Seeker’s Armguards: Armor per kill 1 >>> 0.5 (max stack 30 >>> 15)
- Green barrier: MR by kill 0.5 >>> .03 (Max 15 >>> 9); PA 25 >>> 20
- Void Staff: Power capacity 65 >>> 70, cost: 2500 >>> 2700
# 2. League of Legends Item Buffs:
- Shureliya’s War Song: Inspiration Cooldown (Active): 90 seconds >>> 75 seconds
- Luden’s storm: (NEW) Dealing ability damage to champions reduces cooldown by 0.5s (max 6 per ability)
- Sunfire Aegis: Haste Ability 15 >>> 20; Immolation damage per stack: + 10% >>> + 12%
- Rabbadon Death Cap: Cost 3800 >>> 3600
# 3. League of Legends item adjustments:
- Immortal Shield Bow: 12% Health Steal >>> 10%, Lifeline Life Steal Increase: removed; New passive: gain 25% to 50% attack speed when triggered; Shield Amount: 250 – 700 >>> 300-800
- Teleport Summoner Spell: Teleportation now removes Respawn house guards; Teleportation now removes Homeguards; Movement Speed: 30/40/50% >>> 50% Cooldown: 420 – 240 >>> 420 – 210
- Liandry’s anguish: Gain 5% magic penetration per stack against burning targets (max 15%) >>> Deal up to 12% more magic damage on their bonus health (maximum 1250 additional health).
- Whisk with iron tip: Cost 1200 >>> 1100; Cooldown 15s >>> 20s (to match the mythical)
- Basic healing: 70 >>> 90
- Gromp Jungle Camp: Experiment 125 – 168.75 >>> 135 – 182.25
# 4. League of Legends champion nerves:
- Hecarim: Damage Q 60 – 228 >>> 60 – 208
- Karthus: Damage Q 45 – 125 >>> 45 – 115
- Urgot: Hit modifier: 75% >>> 50%
- Lillia: Cooldown R 130 – 90 ⇒ 150 – 110
- Renekton: R health bonus 250 – 750 >>> 250 – 550
- Gnar: BAse Attack Speed: 0.625 ⇒ 0.593
# 5 Champion Buffs:
- The White: Mana cost W 60-120 >>> 60-100
- Sylas: Attack speed P: 80% >>> 125%; W: CD 13 – 7 >>> 13 – 6
- Pyke: Phantom Undertow (E): Cooldown: 15 >>> 15/14/13/12/11
- Volibear Jungle: W heals against wounded monsters 50 >>> 100%; Damage cap E 150 – 750 >>> 750
# 6.League of Legends Akali updates:
Base Stab
- Health :: 575> »500
- By HP level ::> »105
Assassin’s Mark (P)
Five Point Strike (Q)
- Energy cost: 120-100> »130-70
- REMOVED: Minion damage bonus at level 9
Twilight Veil (W)
- NEW: Also increases Max Energy by 80
Shuriken Flip (E)
Total damage: 100-380 (+ 70% AD) (+100+ AP) >>> 100-450 (+ 85% AD) (+120
- Percentage of total damage on initial hit: 50> 30
- Percentage of total damage on a secondary hit: 50> »70
Perfect execution (R)
- Damage type R1 :: Physical >>> Magic
- R1 damage amount: 125/225/325 (+ 50% AD bonus) >>> 80/220/360 (+ 50% AD bonus) (+ 30% AP)
# 7. League of Legends Xin Zhao mini-edit updates
Determination (P)
- Amount of care :: 10 – 112 (+ 10% AD) (+ 40% API) >>> 7 – 92 (+ 10% AD) (+ 55% AP)
Strike at the three talons (A)
- Additional Physical Damage: 20/28/36/44/52 >>> 16/25/34/43/52
The wind becomes lightning (W)
- Recharge time I2 – 8s >>> 12 – 6s
- W2 range: 900 >>> 1000
- Mana cost: 45 >>> 60
- W2 capacity power ratio 0% >>> 50%
- W cast time :: 0.5 – 04s (based on attack speed) >>> 0.5s
- Minion damage reduction: 50% >>> 50% – 0% from levels 1 to 16
- W2 now challenges Champions / Monsters and provides sight of the target for 3 seconds.
- Push damage increases up to 33% based on Cnbc strike chance.
- QoL / Visual Clanty update to hitbox and W indicators
Bold Charge
- Cooldown 12s >>> 11s
- Dashboard speed :: 3000 >>> 2500
- Cast range increased to 1100 on hard targets.
Crescent Guard (R)
- Duration: 3s (extended by attacks and basic attack spells) >>> 5s
- New power ratio: 0% >>> 110%