The elevator loading screens of the first Mass Effect game were so long, awkward, and hilarious (at times) that they essentially became a meme on their own. With the legendary edition of Mass Effect on the way and changes underway, here’s what BioWare has done to make those iconic elevator moments even better without the extra wait times.
In the first game, the elevator footage – especially on the Citadel – was long and often filled with an uncomfortable silence before the jokes or audio clips of the news ended up looping. Some of the conversations between the teammates were downright hilarious, which is a big reason why this particular loading screen charmed so many people. So what has BioWare done to change them and do these changes take away the sporadic comedic pauses between all actions?
We sat down with BioWare’s Mac Walters and Kevin Meek to talk a plethora of changes, and the topic of elevators quickly came up. In a side-by-side comparison, the duo showed us a comparison between the load times of the Legendary Edition elevators and the original trilogy. The side of the original offered these memorable gaps in silence and lasted nearly a minute before the doors opened to the destination of Shepard and Co. The side of the remaster was significantly reduced, reducing the load to 14 seconds. But with the shorter load, does that mean the jokes have been cut?
Nope! Small conversations and news audio clips are sped up, allowing those instances to include them faster in shorter load times. So all the goodness of the elevator without all that elevator awaits. “At some point the level loads and you can choose whether or not you want to ignore the rest of the banter, the news feed or the awkward silence,” Meek tells us as he shows us the comparison video between the two times. loading. “Load times obviously depend on the hard drive, but with that part, I got in and out in 14 seconds and I’m halfway on the bridge by the time Shepard took to exiting the elevator in the original trilogy. .
Load times vary depending on PC configuration and between consoles, but part of the “front-compatible” improvements for PS5 and Xbox Series X players is the hard drive improvement, which makes the most optimized experience when playing on a platform other than PC.
Want an even deeper dive into the next remaster? Make sure you Check out our legendary Mass Effect hub here for more exclusives with even more content along the way throughout the month!