The numbers show that people are opting for familiar entertainment and escape rather than challenging new shows, which isn’t shocking given the constant deluge of bad news in 2020. However, there are also plenty of episodes for these series. older networks, 830 in total, which would also increase hourly viewing totals. If you look at it this way, Tiger King’s performance of 260 million viewing hours was very impressive considering that only eight episodes were produced.
The most popular films, meanwhile, have been watched largely from Disney +, including Frozen II, Moana, Forward, and Hamilton. Universal Secret life of pets 2 and Dr Seuss Grinch, streaming on Netflix, were at numbers three and five respectively. Most of these shows are aimed at children, so parents were likely trying to entertain their children (and themselves) during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Nielsen began posting viewership for the weekly streaming service for the first time in 2020. These numbers only apply to shows watched in the US on TVs and not phones, tablets or computers, but Nielsen plans to adapt your system to these devices. For this year’s ranking, it brought in viewers for Netflix, Disney +, Hulu, and Amazon, but not Apple TV +, HBO Max, or Peacock. Since Office is now on NBC’s Peacock and not on Netflix, the immense popularity of this show could mean a big hit for Netflix’s view numbers in 2021.