Files stolen from CD Projekt Red in a ransomware attack revealed earlier this week have now reportedly been sold in a dark web auction. KELA Dark Web Watch Organization (which previously provided The edge with what he believes to be lists of legitimate files from CD Projekt’s Red Engine) reports that an auction set up to sell the files was closed after a “satisfactory offer” was made from outside the forum she was standing on. This offer would stipulate that the code will not be distributed or sold further. It is not known at what price the files were sold, but yesterday’s reports indicated an initial purchase price of $ 7 million.
Just in: # CDProjektRed THE SALE IS CLOSED. #Hackers auctioned the stolen source code for the #RedEngine and # CDPR , and have just announced that a satisfactory offer from outside the forum has been received, on condition of no longer distributing or selling. pic.twitter.com/4Z2zoZlkV6
& mdash; KELA (@Intel_by_KELA) February 11, 2021